
Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Base for the Bum

No, not bum as in un-working castoff, but a proper English term for ones seat, dupa, tukus, rear end. This is a simple bench I am making for a quiet spot of prayer, reflection or to read a good book. I designed this really about a year or so ago and over the fall made some progress in that I constructed the base, rough and sturdy from a 6 X 6 pressure treated post, notching and fastening them together with thick spikes. It is meant to be set into the ground permanently, while the top is to be easily, seasonally removed for inside winter storage. Using mahogany porch flooring, I rip cut the tongue and groove off of each board and sandwiched full length boards, alternated with 3 sets of shorter pieces to allow drainage and for the Japanese inspired design I had envisioned. The three shortened stacked sections will each conceal a 3/8” threaded rod and nuts to hold it all together along with exterior wood glue. I love using curves within my designs so as I progerss further, the front, seat and aprons all will have curved reveals. I need to add a curve to the front edge as well and will make an outside apron of ¾” thick cedar for a rustic and durable, yet pretty finished look. I will sand it thoroughly to a nice contour for comfortable, prolonged sitting and finishe it with an exterior polyurethane or some sort of oil preservative. I look forward to setting this up and it finding some use for whomever cares to enjoy it. As I progress, I will add the photos and updates but for now you can see the original drawings as they were approved and the top as it sits in my shop. 

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